Medium Asbestos Disposal Bags 50 Pack
Asbestos bag 1100 x 700mm.
Jaybro's Asbestos Disposal bags measure 200 microns thick (0.2mm). The printing of DANGER ASBESTOS DUST, DO NOT INHALE DUST, MAY CAUSE LUNG CANCER, DO NOT OPEN OR PUNCTURE BAG on the bags mean that they comply with guidelines for the management and control of asbestos in the workplace. Highly visible red printed warning label ensures the contents are not mistaken for something harmless. Each bag measures 700 mm wide x 1100 mm long and they are available in a pack of 50.
Note that local and national guidelines should be strictly followed when working with asbestos. Only unused bags should be used, and bags marked for asbestos waste should not be used for any other purpose. Do not overfill the bags.
Safe Work Australia recommends that only unused bags and heavy-duty 200 µm (minimum thickness) polythene sheeting can be used. Bags labelled for asbestos waste should not be used for any other purpose.
"At the end of the asbestos removal work and upon leaving the asbestos removal work area, all PPE must be disposed of as asbestos waste or decontaminated and stored in sealed double bags before being removed from the asbestos removal site to be laundered by a laundry with facilities for laundering asbestos-contaminated materials. PPE should be thoroughly wet before being placed in bags. The bags should then be twisted tightly, folded over and the neck secured in the folded position with adhesive tape."
From Safe Work Australia's Code of Practice: How to Safely Remove Asbestos:
"All asbestos waste, friable asbestos and small pieces of non-friable asbestos must be contained to prevent exposure to airborne asbestos fibres. Containment is to be in new heavy-duty 200 µm (minimum thickness) polythene bags that are no more than 1200 mm long and 900mm wide to prevent manual task injuries. Controlled wetting of the asbestos waste should be carried out to minimise asbestos dust emissions during bag/polythene sealing or any subsequent rupture of the bag or wrapped bundles. The bags must be twisted tightly and have the neck folded over and secured with adhesive tape (referred to as goose-necking). To minimise the risk of a bag tearing or splitting and to assist in manual handling, asbestos waste bags should not be filled more than half full (depending on the weight of the items) and excess air should be gently evacuated from the waste bag in a way that does not cause the release of dust. The bags should be labelled with appropriate signage stating that they contain asbestos and that dust creation and inhalation should be avoided. The external surface of each bag should be cleaned to remove any adhering dust before the bag is removed from the asbestos removal work area and double bagged outside the asbestos removal areas immediately following the decontamination process. "
U.O.M | Pack |
Thickness | 200 um |
Width | 700 mm |
Length | 1100 mm |